Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola

Month-long (32 days) Retreat of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola.

Ignatius and his followers knew that anyone seeking God was not meant to wait for visions, but had only to seek God in an intelligent and humble way and then with God’s grace could “find God in all things”. His method involved Spiritual Exercises of the mind, memory, will and imagination. Analogous to physical exercises to improve the body, these exercises would enable one to find the divine will and to conform one’s will to the will of God.

The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola begin with one day of preparation (disposition). The Exercises are personally directed by your spiritual director over the duration of the entire 32 days. The Exercises are made in an atmosphere of complete silence. A day for appropriation concludes this powerful experience.

St. Mary’s Towers is an ideal place for those wishing to make the full Spiritual Exercises. The silence of this sacred space is at the service of a serious commitment to a spirit of prayer. In this context the Retreatant is led to meditate upon God’s love for them and their relationship with God.

The retreat commences with the evening meal at 6pm, and ends after the appropriation time.

Applications close one month before starting date


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