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Directed Retreats

A Directed retreat is a time spent in silence with your God. The title can be misleading because it may give the impression that a retreatant will be told what to do during the retreat by someone accompanying them. In fact it is a time when God takes me where I am in my personal relationship with Him and leads me deeper into intimacy with Him.

A Spiritual Director (sometimes called a Prayer Companion) will support you to be sensitive to what God is doing and encourage you to follow God’s promptings.A Directed Retreat is usually eight days.

It is a time of profound silence, interiority and stillness.

“You will show me the path of life,
the fullness of joy in your presence,
at your right hand happiness for ever.”
Psalm 16:11

The program usually follows this format: participants meet daily with their spiritual companion; celebration of Eucharist daily; and the opportunity for the individual celebration of Reconciliation with one of the Team.

Your retreat begins with the 6.00pm meal on the evening of the first date, followed by a brief introduction and Eucharist. It usually concludes after 2pm Eucharist on the last date shown.